A Message From the CEO

By Troy Appling, President & CEO

Last month the Conference of State Bank Supervisors released the 2023 Annual Survey of Community Banks. Net interest margin and cost of funds were the top two concerns for bankers, with deposit growth being a close third. For example, nearly 89% of bankers listed net interest margin as being “extremely important” or “very important.”

We completely understand those concerns. More importantly, The Bankers Bank can help find solutions. In addition to Fed Fund lines and other loan products, our partially owned subsidiary – First Bankers Bank Securities, Inc. – can help our banks with brokered deposits and other sources of funds. It might be worth a phone call to see what they can do to help your bank.

Loan demand was less significant according to the report, with 61% of bankers listing it as “extremely important” or “very important.” With that said, strengthening the loan pipeline and developing new customers is always a priority. This year TBB began helping our banks with Small Business Administration loans as a lending service provider. Our employee, Leslea Spears, has years of experience helping banks book SBA loans, including meeting with loan officers so that they are more aware of potential opportunities. Set up a meeting with Leslea so that she can walk you through the process.

The report also made clear the importance of technology. 91.5% of respondents view existing technology as “both a liability and an opportunity equally” or “more of an opportunity than a liability.” Responses were similar for how bankers view the future of technology.

The Bankers Bank agrees that technology is critical in how we offer correspondent banking services now and in the future. In fact, our board of directors has emphasized smart technology development in our strategic plan. This year we have implemented many changes to iWeb and there are more to come in 2024.

As the holiday season nears, I want to make sure you know how thankful we are to do business with you. It is a trust that we do not take for granted. We look forward to seeing you on our candy deliveries, and please let us know what we can do to help!


Troy Appling, CEO

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